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Our blogs

Customers WALL OF FAME

Friday 10th January 2020
Hippy Motors decals on customer's cars, camper vans, caravans, you name it, they've decorated it!  Our customers make Hippy Motors. I mean we started it, but our customers are making it. Now I'm not making sense, what I mean is our customers create the magic, we just make it possible.Here…
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From Old to New, Hippy Motors just got a new website

Tuesday 7th January 2020
Hippy Motors exciting new website with bells on.  Hippy Motors started doing what we do around 2004. We started on Ebay when we were the only ones selling flower decals. Now, type in 'Flower Decals' into Ebay and you'll find 100's. We were literally the first ones.We really had no idea…
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Our Latest News

Opening up an ancient well

Reopening of an ancient wellThe well's historyOur home, where we work, is virtually...

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Past Life In Egypt, my mother's story.

My mothers memories of a past life in Ancient Egypt.I'm writing this on an aeroplane...

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