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Our blogs

Solar Panel UPDATE

Thursday 10th December 2020
Update on our fight to keep ourselves a CARBON NEUTRAL household and business.It's not going well. We really thought we were making progress with Torridge District Council (TDC). After maybe two months of arguing with them and pointing out the legal responsibility they had they finally agreed that the solar…
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Help with DVLA change from works van to campervan.

Wednesday 19th August 2020
How to make your self-build van conversion look like a campervan for the DVLA to approve?We are getting asked more frequently “the DVLA don't think my self build looks like a campervan, how can I make it look like one?” Decals can help so here is our guide to making…
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Help! Our council is trying to take away our solar power!

Tuesday 11th August 2020
The council are trying to take away our power.We hope you know that Hippy Motors is carbon neutral; in truth we are carbon negative as we save more carbon than we use and we are very proud of that, but Torridge District Council are looking to take that away in September…
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How to work from home like Hippy Motors

Friday 3rd July 2020
How Hippy Motors go about selling on-line when they know very little about the technical stuff.Some of you may have noticed that Angela & Matt at Hippy Motors are not very good at computer stuff but they have run a website on-line now for over 15 years. Many of Hippy…
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Look like your motor with Hippy Motors T Shirts, Mugs and more...

Tuesday 2nd June 2020
You can look like your Hippy Motor with our range of clothing, mugs and more.Looking for a unique gift to get someone that loves Hippy Motors? Well here you are, now you can.We've teamed up with 'Redbubble' to launch a range of products to help you look like your motor.…
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3D Printing PPE for the NHS

Thursday 9th April 2020
How we started 3D printing NHS PPE.I was having another restless sleep in lockdown so I picked up the phone and started reading the online BBC news. I read an article saying that owners of 3D printers have been asked to make PPE for the NHS as there is a chronic shortage.…
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Life in lock-down

Thursday 26th March 2020
Locked-down in our office.At the moment a lot of people need to work from home as a result of the Covid-19 outbreak but we've been doing that for around 14 years. We do love it but it brings it's own challenges. Angela and I are around each other 24 hours…
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Quality Control Issue

Tuesday 4th February 2020
Doggy Issues at Hippy HQHere at Hippy Motors we have spent many hours finding the source of our 'hair contamination'. This occurs when a hair is trapped between our application tape and the vinyl. It does not alter the decal but it is always embarrassing to see. Anyway now we…
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Powered by Sunshine

Friday 17th January 2020
Powered by Devon SunshineWe have a large garden here in Devon. It's magic, south facing, just perfect. We had great hopes when we moved here of growing our own fruit and vegetables, being rather self sufficient, well as self sufficient as possible.It never worked out that way.We love our business…
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Hippy Motors decals star on Ford Advert in the UK

Friday 10th January 2020
Hippy Motors vinyl decals star on Ford Advert in the UK.  Blink and you may miss them but their is actually a lot of our decals on those caravans. The agency went to a lot of trouble to get different personalities on these caravans...all for a few seconds.Look out for our…
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Our Latest News

Opening up an ancient well

Reopening of an ancient wellThe well's historyOur home, where we work, is virtually...

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Past Life In Egypt, my mother's story.

My mothers memories of a past life in Ancient Egypt.I'm writing this on an aeroplane...

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